Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Some Recent Photos

My two cutie pies!
And does anyone question why I call him my Monkey Boy?!?!?!
This is a 5 foot high play house that he's propped against as he's walking up our house!

This was taken at Rachel's 6 month check up appt. Rachel was sitting up on her own and the three of them reminded me of "hear no evil," "see no evil" and "speak no evil." The nurse practitioner we saw that day was totally wowed by Rachel's physical abilities at this age. She was not only rolling over every which-a-way that she could (difficult to get this girl to sit still!), but she was sitting up and already transitioning from her belly to sitting up on her own which is separate milestone. She's now crawling like a champ. And last night she started pulling up! Last night she pulled up to her knees. Tonight she pulled up to a standing position!! I'm going to be chasing after her VERY soon!!!

We just bought Abigail her own big-girl bike. She hopped up there like she'd been doing it for ages. It was so weird to see her sitting so big and tall on that bike! She's not a baby anymore!! And yes, Jared is wearing his Tigger costume!

Here's my squirmy wormy! Waiting on that dinner - c'mon Mom!

1 comment:

MochaPrincess said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe you are a bloggin mama! Cute pix:-)