Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm going to be an Aunt - Again!

My sister floored me the other day when she called me on the phone. I clicked over to her, told her I was on the phone with our cousin and asked if I could call her back. She said, "Sure! I didn't want to take too much of your time. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be needing some advice from you soon since you're already experienced with having three kids."

... pause....

"You're NOT!"

"I AM!!"

... and then I think I said about, oh... 568 Oh My Gosh's! I just couldn't wrap my head around it! I thought (as did most everyone) that they were done!

So, HEE HEE!! My sister's having another baby!!! I keep praying to God, "Please dear Lord, let this be a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, a healthy delivery and mommy... and Lord? Can I ask for a girl?"

I guess we shall soon find out!!


1 comment:

MochaPrincess said...

Congrats Kathy!!!!!!!!and Becky