Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blessed Be Your Name

This morning I read an update on a fellow blogger Amy Whilhoite. Sadly, she passed yesterday after fighting a battle with leukemia. Her faith in God was so inspiring and I encourage you to read her blog.

Then this afternoon I recieved this verse in my email:

Hebrews 10:35-36 Therefore you mustn't lose your courage and confidence, for it will bring you a great reward. You see, you must patiently hold on to your faith so that you will do what God wants and thus receive what He has promised.

It seemed fitting for her and others who are fighting their battles and holding so faithfully to God's promises.

Additionally, I thought it very interesting that when Amy was originally diagnosed with leukemia the song that she said was stuck in her mind was "Blessed Be Your Name." That song gave her strength to deal with her horrifying news. That is the same song that played over and over in my mind when we lost our baby Jessica. The chorus of it ran over and over in my mind that first few days. Then about a week or so later the other verse popped into my mind, "He gives and He takes away." It was interesting to me how I remembered the part about blessing God's name even in the midst of our heartache and then later I remembered that additional verse and it seemed so appropriately timed... Anyway, that song helped me a lot.

Squeeze your little ones and your loved ones tonight and love them with all your might. You never know when God will call you (or them) home.

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