Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Help! I'm Blogging and I Can't Shut Up!

I just find it kinda funny that I have had dry spells, going without nary a post for months, and then here I've posted seven times in the last 24 hours!!! Eight if you count this one!! Hee hee. I guess I'll try to take a break for a good (too short) nights sleep. Nighty, Night!

1,000,002 uses for Duct Tape!

I truly marvel at how you can leave a 3 yr old and a 5 yr old alone for just a few minutes and return to find such amazing dishevelment and destruction! I left the room looking like this

and returned to find it like this

I freaked when I thought they'd broken the crib completely but was happy to discover they'd only disassembled it. Yes, they stood there, not moving, with looks on their faces like... "HE/SHE did it!!!"

However, before I could reassemble the crib tonight and put it back together, I had to pull out the ol' handy dandy DUCT TAPE!!! You see the crib mattress makes for the best entertainment when used as a trampoline! The kids have had a BLAST jumping on it and yes, I try to holler at them every time... well nearly every time... sometimes I figure they're not bleeding or killing each other right now so, oh what the heck, just let 'em jump for a minute! Oh and of course they also have a blast when Jared "falls" underneath the mattress and Abigail "falls" on top of it, feels this "odd lump" below and proceeds to jump endlessly on top of the mattress to "figure out" what's under there. All the while, Jared is below oomph'ing and giggling away! Unfortunately, their past time has turned the mattress into this.

It finally died... split at the seams... foam "innards" starting to pour out. Yet! I cannot concede to pay money for another mattress that, if Rachel follows the lead of her big brother and sister, will only be used for another six months max (Monkey Boy Jared crawled out of this crib at 17 months to my utter horror and dismay and Abigail was out at 22 months!). I will not give in that easily! So, out comes the duct tape (and yes, the kids' safety scissors)! Oh and also the packing tape when I ran out of my duct tape since we have oh so much of THAT laying around right now - click here for the details on our house selling fiasco that has left us with many a box and many a roll of packing tape. So, anyway, I "mended" the mattress and we're back in business again.

So do you think this was one of the uses that the inventors of Duct Tape expected for their product?

I Will Not Be Broken - 5 Steps to Overcoming a Life Crisis

Okay, so this is funny. I love how God lines things up sometimes!!! Here I had a rough time today and posted about it below. I feel better now. And I can happily stand and say that I survived our loss, praise be to God for that. And then this evening I found this post from Robin at Around the Island. Please go visit her post. ANYONE who has suffered any trauma in their lives, be it "the loss of a loved one, or a serious illness, or the loss of a job, or the breakup of a marriage, or any one of a thousand other tragedies and crises that turn our lives into chaos in a single moment" would benefit from reading her post entitled I Will Not Be Broken - 5 Steps to Overcoming a Life Crisis .

God Bless!!

Lil' Miss Soggy Bottom

Is this just too funny or what? I've seen some soggy, saggy bottoms before but this one tops them all. That diaper just can't hang any lower!!

Will This Pain Ever Go Away?

Today was one of those days. I was going along just fine until I saw them. I do fine for so long. I think about her often but I'm okay. Then there are days like today when I feel that horrible stab of pain in my heart and feel the tears well up from out of now where. The "them" I refer to was a beautiful set of twin girls at the gym today. I've seen them before. They are so cute. They look to be about 3 1/2 years old. Obviously twins, yet obviously fraternal. Sitting in their little class of about 5-6 kids taking swimming lessons. Their eyes dancing with joy at the splashing and the fun. Then when class is over, Mom comes and picks them both up. They're so beautiful. That's how my girls would be. My 3 1/2 year old daughter Abigail was a twin. I often think of her sister, Jessica, and long to see them playing together and having fun like these twin girls were doing. I'm usually fine with reminding myself that God had other plans for her and for our family when he chose to take her home. But today seeing those girls looking just as know Abigail and Jessica would look together, I found myself fighting tears and feeling that horrible stabbing pain in my chest again. I know God has a plan for our lives. I know that we only see the tiniest little pieces of that plan. I know that my baby Jessica is with him and I will see her again. I also know that if we hadn't lost Jessica, we wouldn't have had Rachel and I would never trade away my baby girl. I just wish that I could fill back in that dotted line in our family portrait where Jessica should be standing. I want to see our full family portrait with my son, both of my twin girls and my baby girl Rachel. It's frustrating! It's annoying! It makes me angry when I start to fall apart like this all over again! The logical side of me says, "Buck up! Move on!" The mommy in me is dying to have my baby girl back... or as Abigail almost angrily corrects me, "I'm a BIG girl! I'm not a BABY!" ... So, I want my now BIG girl back. I've always secretly dreamed that one day I would receive this phone call saying that someone found her and she was coming home. All I had to do was go pick her up and everything would be okay again. As if she'd only been lost or hiding. Oh this makes me mad! I know I shouldn't wish for such things. My heart just aches and it's a wonderful escape, if only for a moment, to imagine having my baby girl home with me.

OK - deep breath, wipe my face off ..... I can do this...

I guess for those of you who don't know me, you're wondering what I'm talking about. So, as I second and triple guess whether I should post my worst heart ache to the world or not, here it goes... here are all of the details.

First, here's the joyful part of how/when I found out we were having twins:

When I went in for my first doctors appointment for my second pregnancy I was so excited. We had gotten pregnant on the second try and that meant that Jared would be only 20 months old when his new baby brother or sister was born. I loved knowing they would be so close in age. I had kept track of my cycles so I knew that I was about 9 weeks pregnant at the time of this appointment. However, when the doctor did her exam, she said, “Hmm. Your uterus feels larger than I would expect for this gestational age. I’d like to get an ultrasound and check things out. Either you’re further along than you think or you could be having twins.” I thought to myself, “Yeah, right. I know darn well when I had my last cycle so I know I’m not further along. And I’m sure that it’s not twins because I don’t have twins in my family!” (While I now understand that you can have twins even if they don’t run in the family, I did talk to my grandparents later and found out that there were twins about five generations back. Kinda neat to learn.) But I was all for an ultrasound because I would love to see my baby!! Even if it was just a “blob” at this early stage. I laid down on the table and low and behold just as soon as the image popped up on the screen it was as obvious as could be – TWINS!!! I was ecstatic! I was so overjoyed. I could not stop smiling. My first thought was, “Wow! God has blessed me with TWO babies!!!” I was so excited!!! But I had to get my poker face ready and believe me when I say that I normally have the worst poker face on earth!!! I found out we were having twins at 1:00pm. I had to first go home and pick up Jared from my neighbor’s house and act like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Later that day, I talked to Mom on the phone and again couldn't say a word! I had to wait until 10:00pm that night until John came home from a work-related event to be able to spill the beans!! All day I thought about how I was going to spring the news on him. It had to be something creative. So, I decided to cut out these colorful letters and tape them to the big bathroom mirror. John always comes in and immediately changes clothes and washes his face. Since our closet is in the bathroom it would be the first place he would go. That night when he finally got home, he walked into the bathroom, turned on the light and just stopped! He didn’t say a word! Unfortunately, I was standing behind him and couldn't see his face and he wouldn’t turn around because he’d heard me turn on the camera with the hopes of getting a shot of his expression! He just stood there speechless for a long while. He later said he wouldn't have believed me except for the four undeniable ultrasound photos taped below the message. It was so funny! It was great! He was a little freaked out… immediately started talking about some of the financial implications and how this was going to change things regarding hiking trips (how do you carry three infant/toddlers with only two people on a rugged trail?) and our hopes of getting a boat in the next couple of months (how do you hold onto one active toddler and two wee ones on a boat?). But ultimately he warmed to the idea quite well! In fact we started talking about names and had solidly decided on them before I was even out of the first trimester!

Fast forward seven months or so….

These were taken 5 days before we delivered. I love the one with Jared poking mommy's HUGE belly with a toy! This dress was about all I could wear at the end!

Abigail and Jessica had been breech for most of the pregnancy. We had wanted a regular vaginal birth but had scheduled a c-section at 37 weeks since it is a safer method than trying to deliver breech babies. Our c-section was scheduled for Thursday, October 28th. On Sunday, October 24th, I had commented to John about how active Jessica was being that day. She was really kicking and moving around whereas she was normally the less active of the two. Monday, Jessica seemed to have returned to her less active ways, only moving a little here and there, but I felt like everything was fine since I still kept feeling movement on her side (she was on my right and Abigail was on my left). On Tuesday, October 26th we went for our last ultrasound appointment just to double check that they were both still breech (and therefore I still required a c-section) and to ask any last questions we may have had. Mom (who had all but moved in with us over the last month or more to help since I was so huge and was having so many Braxton Hicks contractions that I had basically put myself on bed rest), Jared and I all loaded into the van and met John at the OB office. Mom kept Jared in the waiting room while John and I went in for the ultrasound. The ultrasound technician, Joyce, started out examining ‘baby A,’ which we had already decided was Abigail, and said that Abigail looked great. Then she moved over to my right side to check ‘baby B’ (Jessica) and mentioned that Jessica had turned. She was now head down. I was very surprised by this because I really didn’t think she had enough room to turn or that I would feel a lot of discomfort if she did turn since both girls were so big and I certainly didn't have any room left to stretch! John and I started talking and laughing about various things while Joyce continued her examination. I will never forget what happened next. Joyce put her hand on my arm and said “Becky, I’m afraid we have a problem.” I immediately looked at the screen and knew what she was saying. After having had so many ultrasounds throughout this pregnancy, I immediately recognized what I was looking at when I looked at the screen. She had the screen showing the lines for the heart rate and instead of being wavy like they always had been in the past, the lines were flat. She said, “’Baby B’ doesn’t have a heart beat.” All I could say over and over was “No, God, No!” John and I grabbed each other and sobbed and sobbed. I asked Joyce, “Are you sure?!” She offered to look again, but I told her no, I could see the lines. John and I cried for a long time. Finally one of the doctors came in to talk to us. We told her that we wanted to get Abigail out as soon as possible to make sure she was ok. Dr. Fairbrother told us that they had already called the hospital and they were expecting us. John drove us in his car while Mom and Jared followed in the van behind us. We made phone calls to my sister, my dad, John’s mom, John’s dad, and his best friend, James on the way to the hospital. We asked for Frank, who is a preacher, to pray for us and asked James, who lived nearby, to loan us a camera since we wanted to photograph the girls’ birth but didn’t have ours with us. Kathy was already at the hospital when we walked in. As soon as I saw her I fell apart all over again. Daddy and Lynn got there soon after we had checked in. We ended up having to wait until 9pm that night to deliver but thankfully Abigail came out beautiful and healthy and screamed with the most wonderful set of lungs when she was born. When Jessica came out, I looked to John and asked, “Is she?” and he said no, she wasn’t alive. I had held onto hope because even though I knew what I saw on the ultrasound, I kept feeling movement on her side of my belly during our drive to the hospital. We agreed later that it must have been Abigail pushing her. One of my most treasured photos is the one of Abigail and Jessica side by side in the operating room proving that through this nightmare, we really did give girth to two beautiful twin baby girls – Abigail Faith (7 lb 9 oz) and Jessica Lynn (7 lb 11 oz).


..... clear throat, deep breath....


Having cried through writing most of this, and again every time I re-read it and proof-read it, I must say I'm feeling better now. It's amazing how therapeutic writing really is. Anyway, I do hope that I can use my experience of losing Jessica to help other women suffering loss (today is just one of my weak days). I want people to know how wonderful God is. How loving He is. How he provides and is your strength when you need Him most. Through your weakness, God is glorified. And I thank Him so much for blessing us with even that brief time with our beautiful daughter, Jessica. She is my angel in heaven. And I am still the mother of four!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dresses for My Girly Girl

Grandma Jill sent a wonderful surprise package to Abigail the other day. My girly girl loves pretty dresses and Grandma found a couple that she couldn't pass up for the price!! Abigail's eyes lit up at soon as she saw them. And as soon as she was in them, she was off spinning in cirlces till she made herself dizzy!!! Thank you Grandma Jill!

Kiss My Grits!

Tonight, I opted for a "breakfast for dinner" dinner. I made pancakes, eggs, sausage, and grits. I loooove breakfast food and the kids would eat pancakes and waffles 24/7 if I allowed them! The older kids turn up their noses at grits (what kind of southern kids am I raising here?!?!) but Rachel decided that she quite enjoyed them! Well, until she was full.... and then she continued to enjoy them... enjoyed squooshing them and rubbing them all over herself like a nice exfoliating body rub!!

As with most toddlers, food doesn't always make it to her mouth. Sometimes her toes get quite hungry as well!

Thankfully, today, being the beautiful summer day that it was, offered a nicely warmed kiddy pool waiting in the back yard for her "bath." I took her diaper off, dumped several little buckets full of nice warm water over her to wash off the grits in the grass and then let her have fun in the "tub." Yes, we do own a perfectly good real tub inside the house but this one was much more enjoyable tonight! :) We'll use the real one tomorrow.

Bathe your Kids, Not the Bathroom!

It's Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday!! This is the day I look forward to all week (yes, I do have a life. I just really look forward to this post!) because Shannon, at Rocks in My Dryer, hosts her Works for Me Wednesdays blog carnival where I can get all kinds of wonderful tips and tid bits that have helped me in so many ways! Tips from food preparation, to kids crafts, to de-funking smelly dish towels and other funky smelling laundry!!! Today is my first ever WFMW post but I share this tip with every mom of small kids that I meet. It really works for me!!

Splish splash, I was taking a bath,
Long about a Saturday night…

One of the best tips I ever read in a parenting magazine was to buy a clear shower curtain. Every kid loves to splash. They have so much fun and their little faces light up with the biggest grins! My face, however, not quite so cheery. Instead of thinking about how much fun my little ones were having, I was grimacing at how much cleaning I would have to do afterwards. I would watch as water cascaded down the walls and cabinet doors and mirror! As much as I might want to be that easy-going mom who can relish her kids joy and shrug her shoulders at a little bit of extra work sopping up the bathroom floor, that’s just not me. So, when I read this tip, I felt I’d hit upon a goldmine. Go to the dollar store or WalMart and buy a regular old CLEAR shower curtain. If you must have the matching bathroom ensemble which includes the cutesy shower curtain, just use the clear one behind it and toss the cute non-see-through curtain over the top of the curtain rod during bath time. As soon as you feel your kids are old enough to not have a constant hand on them, pull the clear shower curtain closed. Tip: we have a fiberglass tub/shower so I wet the side walls and smooth the curtain to the wetness to create a seal keeping the water from coming out the sides. Once the curtain is pulled, I tell the kids, “Alright! Go for it!!! SPLASH!!! SPLASH!!! SPLASH!!! C’mon! Harder!! SPLASH!!!” They have an absolute blast! Their eyes are squeezed tight, mouths open in a wonderful laugh, arms are flailing every direction slapping the water and splashing as big as they can! I only call them down when it starts going over the top of the shower rod and onto my head! Oh, and of course, if they are bathing with a sibling who isn’t enjoying the robust fun, they must either calm their splashing down or turn around with their back to the sibling and splash the other way. This way I can allow them to have fun yet I can keep an eye on them and know they are being safe.

This is something that REALLY works for me.

Head on over to Rocks in My Dryer for a treasure trove of more tips and tid bits that may make your life just a little bit easier!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Full-sentence Conversations and Small bathrooms

Wow! Last night, John and I were finally able to enjoy a date night for the first time in a long time! The gym I belong to offers a "Date Night" where they'll keep the kids between 5pm-8pm at no extra charge. Talk about a deal! Not paying for babysitting for three kids! That right there was the deal closer when I was trying to decide on which gym to join (and no we won't go into how long it's been since I was last in there to really work out)! Anyway, there were so many perks to being able to go out to eat last night without the kids, which I realize is no new earth shattering news to any of you but hear me out. Now, it wasn't a fancy-schmancy restaurant or anything like that. Just one of your basic restaurant chains with lots of yummy food that I don't have to cook! Or clean up for that matter! So, there were perks #1 and #2. Perk #3 was having full-sentence conversation! And I know that you mommies and daddies out there (glance around for head count) know what I'm talking about. It's the (glance around again for another head count, can't find one, oh, there she is) rare ability to actually finish a conversation without having to (Jared! Get down!) stop two-million times to (Abigail, for the last time, leave your sister alone!) scream at, ahem, I mean redirect, your little monsters, er, angels, energies (Rachel! No, no. No touch!....Abi-gaaaaaail!). So, for a rare couple of hours I was able to actually complete my sentences, have full intact thought processes (at least to the best of my lack-of-sleep, never-again-be-the-same mommy-brain will allow me). I was able to truly focus on the conversation, really taste and savor every bite of my food which (oh I was in heaven) included a margarita!!!! The first margarita these lips have tasted in what we determined to be nearly five years!!! Oh my word that margarita tasted so good! ... Ok, back to the point. Perk #4, or maybe #5 if you count that margarita, was after the dinner and great conversation (including much laughter) was over. We stopped by a local dealership to snoop around for ideas of what John's next car/truck/suv may be. I needed to go potty, uh, I mean visit the ladies room. As soon as I stepped foot in the door my mommy-brain immediately started scoping the stalls to see if the biggest stall at the end was open. ... but then I remembered that I was "me" tonight, not "mommy." That means that I get to use the little potty ... er, bathroom stall! I don't have to find the biggest stall to cram four people into all-the-while sounding like an auctioneer calling out don't-touch-that-keep-your-hands-in-your-pockets-yes-sweety-that's-the-toilet-paper-Jared-get-up-off-the-floor-no-sweety-that's-a-trash-basket-no-don't-touch-it-yes-that's-a-loud-flush-no-i-don't-know-what-she's-doing-next-door-yes-mommy-has-to-potty-too-don't-talk-so-loud-yes-the-echos-are-neat-but-stop-yelling-are-you-done-yet?-don't-forget-to-wipe-your-bottom-get-up-off-that-nasty-floor!-don't-you-open-that-door-yet-I'm-not-done-stop-touching-stuff-ok-lets-get-out-of-here-(before I lose my mind)!!! So, there ya' have it. My amazing night, one that I have been needing, was a wonderful date with my love, yummy food, great conversation and small bathrooms!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Quote of the Day

My nephews went to visit their cousins last week. They were thoroughly enjoying their cousins' trampoline so they, of course, were also begging their mom (my sister) and daddy for one of their own. Wayne, who is very against trampolines and their dangers, said, "We will never have a trampoline as long as I'm alive!" The boys thought for a moment and then asked, "Can Mommy buy us one after you're dead?"

Don'tcha' just feel the love?!?!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Too Cool!!

Check out the video posted on Perfectly Cloudy's blog. Too Cool! She does all kinds of accents. I'd love to hear her Georgia accent!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cadillac Campin' at it's Best!!

This past weekend we went "Cadillac camping" and had a GREAT time! "Cadillac camping" is the term we use when referring to camping in a campground where you can drive up to your camp site, especially if it's a campground with a bathhouse, real toilets and perhaps even hot-water showers!!! Now that's some fancy, shmancy campin'! Normally, John and I hike out on the Appalachian Trail with everything on our backs. And in order to avoid hauling 100 lbs around on your back, you tend to pack very lightly, bringing only what you need and even then you second and triple guess that list and eventually leave most of it behind. You eat lots of Cliff bars and trail mix. If you get fancy, you can buy some of those freeze dried meals in a bag at REI or Dicks. They're actually quite good. And you pack a water filter so that when you come across a stream you can refill your water supply without the threat of contracting various water born diseases! Now that's adventure! ;) "Cadillac camping," on the other hand, is where you drive up in your car and unload every little thing you ever dreamed you maybe, possibly could sort of need as long as it all fits into or on top of your car. And I won't even go into the possibilities if you own a camper! That's like living in the Ritz!

So, anyway, we went "Cadillac camping" for the first time in years (which should explain my excitement)! We packed our mack-daddy 8-man tent, camping chairs (two big ones for us and two pint-sized ones for Jared and Abigail). Thankfully, my mother-in-law kept Rachel for us. Having a go-go-go 16 month old at a campground on a lake would NOT have been a relaxing vacation!!! We packed our Coleman stove, 5 gallon water jug, hammock (which ended up not getting hung because we were too busy doing other things). And best of all, we brought TONS of food!!!

When you hike out on the AT, your eating trail mix and cooking only what is necessary over a little bunson-burner type of stoves. When you "Cadillac camp," the possibilities are endless!!! I remember growing up camping with my family - I'd wake up and Mom was already up, standing at the little Coleman stove cooking eggs and bacon. So that's what I wanted to do. We camped with another family from our church group so we split the food assignments and boy did we eat good! For breakfast we had big ol' bacon/egg/sausage/cheese toasted bagels and English muffins, pancakes, and Cinnamon buns. Granted they weren't much to look at as they were cooked over this little stove with limited hi/low capabilities... it was more like hi/HI or off. But we ate so good!! The food, our day on the lake with great friends, and the big mack-daddy tent with a blow up mattress under our sleeping bags made for an awesome trip. The weather was awesome. We cooked s'mores over the campfire. We spent the day on the lake tubing and having a blast. Our friends' kids were similar ages to our kids and boy did they ever hit it off!! And that in itself made things even easier on us because the kids were constantly engaged, playing, having fun and not getting into trouble. Wow! I can't wait to go again! Here are some photos of our awesome weekend:

We got there Friday night and set up camp. I thought this photo was cute. Mama Bear, Daddy Bear and two wee-little bears...

The view out the back of our tent Saturday morning. The lake is currently so low that you can walk out a loooong ways from the normal shore line.

After a great breakfast, we all hopped into the boat and took off. All of the kids piled up front to ride in the bow. It's always fun to ride up front with the wide open view, the full force of the wind, not to mention how the front bounces much more over the waves than the back. The girls were holding on tight, having a blast, and whenever we slowed down and weren't bouncing as much, Corine would start bouncing up and down trying to make the boat bounce! This girl is going to love roller coasters when she gets bigger!

Daddy and Jared on the tube.

Daddy and Abigail on the tube with Mommy driving. No, I'm not mad, just concentrating. It's the first time I've driven the boat this year with tubers. You have to watch the lake for other boats, watch the speedometer to make sure you're going fast enough, but not too fast. Thankfully the other adults in the boat are responsible for keeping an eye on the tuber! Push the throttle to speed up, but watch it closely because it's a delayed response so all of a sudden you're going too fast and have to back it down. Scan the water for where you're about to make a turn - wide turn to avoid zipping the kids off the line and into a tumbling derby they'll later need therapy for. Now you realize you've slowed down too much. Scan all around for other boats. Check speed. Gotta speed up through the turn because the boat slows down during turns. Scan water ahead for any debris/obstacles (aka trees sticking up that would normally be WAY submerged during normal lake levels) so that you don't crash the boat or drag your tuber over the limbs/stumps sticking out of the water (we nearly did that when Kent was on it!). Scan for boats, speed up, make turn, don't turn too hard with kids on or go ahead and turn harder with John on (he loves a good sling-shot-past-the-boat kind of ride). Scan for debris. Watch speedometer and slow back down. Scan for boats, scan for debris, check speed, try to steal a quick glance at your victim hanging on for dear life behind you... You get the point. So, needless to say that when John was on and I was really zipping it around this way and that, I had to tell the kids, who were trying to offer me commentary on Daddy's awesome performance and telling me to look at Daddy, "I can't talk right now! Mommy's trying to concentrate on her driving! Tell me later!"

A closer shot of Daddy and Abigail.

Kent's turn.

Watch him Go!

Kent with Conner.
Kent with Corine.

My turn! Whoo Hoo!!

Jenny's turn with Conner.

Time to anchor and have lunch. We put the top up and enjoyed sitting back while the kids played for at least two hours. Jared skipped lunch and just played and played and played!!! After Conner was done with his sandwich he hopped in and those two boys were nothing but a set of constant giggles and squeals as they kept playing on the tube, flipping it over, trying to climb on the other float, flipping it over, etc etc etc. Boy, I remember the days of having that much energy... I wish we could siphon off a little from the kids every now and then just to help us keep up with them! Meanwhile, us lazy adults got to sit back with our feet up for a while and just talk.

Time to ride again. Where do all of the kids choose to sit? Up front, of course!!

We finished off our day with a little feeding frenzy. There's one cove you can go to near the dam where you will always find lots of geese ready for a snack. One wave of the arm like you're throwing something into the water and they all come paddling as fast as their little webbed-feet will go. The kids always love this part.

Back at camp, we grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. And, well, we would never consider going to bed without roasting marshmallows over the campfire and making s'mores!!! Yum Yum!!!

Oh and after a day like this, we didn't have to fuss at the kids even the first time to be quiet and go to sleep... they zonked out as soon as their heads hit the pillow! Actually, so did we!!

Aaaaahhhh!!! These are the days that memories are made of! I can't wait to go again! The kids were asking when our next camping trip would be before we even packed up good on Sunday morning. I think they like camping!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Our Florida Vacation

Hey there - just wanted to try to get some pics up from our vacation to Florida. My sister-in-law's wedding went great and she was beautiful! The kids had a great time and we loved being with family! Can't wait to go down there again! Hopefully later this summer...

Our first day was spent just hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's house while everyone worked on wedding day preparations. Look what Grandma Jill bought for Abigail! She wore this dress allllll day long and couldn't understand the next morning when I told her no, she couldn't wear this dress to the wedding. Yes, it's a pretty dress but this isn't what we're going to wear to Aunt Kelly's wedding.

Even a princess needs her beauty sleep!
Grandpa tells the best stories. He had Abigail's and Jared's eyes and ears locked on him! Rachel enjoyed it too I think!

A very tired princess ready to go check into our hotel room.

Grandpa getting ready to officiate the wedding Saturday morning. Jared and Abigail were perfect stand-ins!

Grandpa (Kelly's dad) officiated Kelly & Danny's wedding. It was really great. First he and John (Kelly's brother, my beloved hubby) both walked her down the aisle and then he turned and officiated the ceremony. It was really touching.

I love this picture of Danny smiling as Kelly walks down the aisle. So sweet!

Kelly, the beautiful bride, Lee Ann (left), Amy (right) - John's three sisters.

All of the family in attendance at this wedding. I love these big family group shots.

John and Kelly.

The good ol' cake in the face shot.

Amy put Kelly's tiara on Abigail. Oh so fitting for my little girly, girl! I can hear the music now, "And here she comes, Miss America!"

After the reception, Jared parked himself at the kitchen sink with a butter knife and a bunch of extra strawberries. He had it down pat: rinse it off, cut off the top, pop it in the mouth, rinse, cut, pop, rinse, cut, pop, rinse, cut, pop! This was one of those moments where it hits me how much my baby boy is growing up! He doesn't need me to prep his strawberries because he's a big boy and can do it all by himself!

A beautiful shot of my baby girl! (and her kissable, smoochable, eat-em-up cheeks!)

My proud boy and his lizard belly!

We learned on this trip that we're going to have to keep an eye on our princess! She seems to like older men! Drew, the best man at the wedding, is admittedly a good looking guy and boy he won Abigail over! She talked his ear off and flirted and made eyes at him all night! She even let him hold her beloved blanket!!! Someone mentioned that she'd given him her blanket and several of us said, "What?! Whoooaaa!!!" The next day she kept asking, "Where's Drew?" I think we've witnessed her first crush!!

Monday was so much fun! First we played arcade games with the kids and redeemed our tickets for fun prizes. Then we raced go-karts. They had two-seater go-karts so Abigail and I raced John and Jared on the first go 'round. Then we swapped off and Jared and I raced Daddy and Abigail. That was fun! Then we spent the rest of the afternoon at the beach before changing and having dinner at the restaurant on the pier. Fun, fun day with the kids!

My Marzullo Men!

My Marzullo Men Building Stuff!

Hey, I can't let Daddy have all the fun. Mommy likes to play in the sand too!

Jared's shirt had "life guard" on the sleeve so he asked if he could go show the life guard. He talked to the life guard for a while, telling him all about the big waves he jumped.

Then the life guard let him sit up on his "perch" for a photo opp.

Who knew a bike rack could be so much fun?

Jared and Grandpa.

Three generations of Marzullo Men!

Family shot before leaving to head home.

Rachel loved her cousin Conner! Unfortunately he didn't return her love in quite the same way. She's a rough and tumble 16 month old who kept sitting on him, wanting him to wrestle with her. He just sat there bug-eyed, pleading for someone to get her off of him!!! I think they'll have a total blast together next year when he's her age and a little more capable of defending himself! They both gave sweet hugs when we left.

A few worn out, zonked out kids on our way home.

They may be tired, but they are still oh, so cool!